
shakespeare's sister

can you guess who my famous sister is...?
i look nothing like her...but i'm trying hard to dress like her...
let's just say our last name's rhyme with FLOSS (cuz that what we be doin, yo...)
i'm from the same genetic pool as KATE MOSS...yup..that's my sis and thank god we look nothing alike or my career would be dead..hahaha
she is a beauty..miss lottie moss


close my eyes

make your body a blanket..let me rest my head
i want to close my eyes and ride and ride and ride...til i'm blown away


hey mr. postman

is there a letter (or a dope ass clutch from h&m) in your bag for me...? like i said i ain't too fussy and admire simplicity and this is just perfect!

le smoking longggggg

i'm not too fussy with my clothes like some people these days seem to be; ripping off everyone's style, ripping off my style when i was a teenager, ripping off my mother's style. but that's what fashion and art is all about. but i kind of get it..in essence you can recreate that nostalgia with clothes. anyhooo... i can be ok with being subtle in clothing and not ostentatious to garner the worlds attention... i do it in silence..btw this shit is from zara and i'm totally digging it...!


just what exactly is "victoria's secret"..?

toddlers in tiaras? candy ravers? or just the new crop of contestants on the upcoming season of ru paul's drag race...?


there is something quite familiar in the way this series is shot...hmmm...i wonder...
wait..it's coming to me
oh yeah..EUREKA!!!! it's a blatant rip off of david yurman's advert.



if you squat real hard and make a wish, a gold neck chain might fall out of your ass. it did for her...

don't turn your back on me

...even though you already have


au revoir

lou lou de la falaise...tres chic.


part time punk

sunday funday...that means..SMITHS NIGHT at the echo!!..god i've been waiting all weekend for this.. a night to dance away my sorrows..it's been a pitiful weekend for my heart.